my funny valentine.

oops... it's been awhile.  Things have been crazy at our casa!!  Last week sure was a week to remember.  Valentines' Day.  A day of love.  laughter. and hospitals?  Oh yes.

Tuesday started of like any other work day.  Michael instructed me to get off work a little early and meet him at an address that he had sent me.  I met Michael at "the address" which turned out to be on Balboa Island where we would be taking a lovely sunset cruise around the Harbor.  It was a perfect day.  I then came home to TWO beautiful bouquets of flowers.  This man really outdoes himself.  I had finished making Michael dinner and he says that we should put them in water.  (this is where the story gets good.) I get the scissors out to start trimming the stems.  Michael offers to help.  I accept.  He begins trimming, but no good.  We then (stupidly) get out the serrated knife...
One little slip and slice, Michael's finger begins gushing blood.  I mean, really gushing.  We get a towel out and put pressure on it, but it continues to gush.
Next scene: Mission Hospital Emergency Room.
Because of the fact that Michael's finger was still bleeding and the towel was completely bloody and he told the nurse that his pain level was a 9 (maybe a little exaggeration?) we were in a room in about 30 mins.  I decided that I could handle being in the same room as the stitches and followed along.  Bad idea.  I made it through the stitches, but once the guy came in to clean and wrap it, I had had enough!  I told Michael that I was going to pass out and he said- well, you're already sitting down, go ahead.  I frantically got up and tried to exit the room but all I could do was crouch down in the doorway.  The doctor brought the chair in the hallway where I sat waiting for Michael to finish up.
It's didn't last too long.  I leaned into the room and told them I was going to pass out and at that moment Michael and the doctor saw me squiggle out of my chair onto the ground.  They said it was pretty funny and almost laughed.  I woke up on a stretcher in the hallway with doctors crowded around me, an ice pack under my head (because I hit it on the way down), and oxygen being shoved up my nose.
After a while of laying there I finally was able to sit up and be transfered into a wheel chair.  Too much movement!  As I threw up in the hallway on the way out (into a bag) a nurse walked in and paused.  Confused.  She saw that I had my visitor badge on but I was the one sitting in the wheelchair. "Wait a second... you're the visitor, not the patient!"
That night Michael helped me get in bed and tucked me in even though his finger was throbbing and hurting.  Such a good husband.
I just couldn't stand him getting all the attention so I had to do something about it.  This was definitely a Vday to remember.  Michael's version of this story is pretty funny, mostly because he was conscious for the whole thing.


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