our sweet little babe.

3 weeks ago I gave birth to our precious Finnegan Randall Santiago.  (Randall after my dad's name).  That day and night was the craziest/most rewarding experience I have ever had.  That day Emily came over to hang out with me and go on a walk.  I had stopped jogging about 2 weeks before that because it gave me really bad contractions, but I still continued going to the gym with Heidi to our weight classes, to walk, and yoga.  After our walk, we came home and ate some pineapple (labor inducing) and we talked about how I wanted to have the baby that night!  That I was done being pregnant and just wanted to meet the precious bundle I had been carrying for a LONG time!  Fast foward to 9:30pm that night.  Mike and I were laying on the couch watching some TV and I felt like I had peed my pants a little bit.  I thought it was very strange since through the whole pregnancy I never just peed my pants!  I went to the bathroom to check it out and everything seemed normal so I went back to the couch.  2 minutes later I felt the same thing, but a little bit more this time.  I told Mike that I thought my water was breaking- he told me to get off the couch!  He looked up an article so we could know for sure if my water broke.  It told me to lay on the floor for 5 minutes, then stand up and the water should flow out.  Well!  I did not have to wait for any of that.  As soon as I laid down it gushed!  I ran to the bathroom and the water kept gushing.  Such a crazy feeling!

We knew that this was it!  I hopped in the shower and did my hair (duh!) and off we went.  With a towel between my legs.  And water trickling out of me.  I was embarrassed.  We arrived at the hospital at 11:00pm.  They set me up in a nice room and we waited.  I was only dilated to 3cm, so since they couldn't send me home (because my water had already popped), the doctor wanted to start me on Pitocin.  Those contractions came a pumping and hard too!  I got the epidural while at 7cm and felt great!  By the way, I am so afraid of needles that I think I was more scared to get the IV and the numbing shot for the epidural than to push a baby out of me.  Not long after I received the epidural I was already at 9cm.  The nurse could feel the babies head.  She had me push a couple of times so both Mike and I could see the head.  That was so crazy! The doctor came in not long after that.  I pushed for about 15 minutes and at 3:05 am out came our little man.  I was so entertained by the whole process and kept saying how amazing it was that he just came out of me!
Words cannot express what it was like when they first laid him on my chest.  I cried a little and just stared.  I stared and stared and stared.  This was him.  The one who would kick me in the ribs or move a little foot or hand just to say hi or get the cutest little hiccups.  This was our precious son.  We were parents!  I immediately felt an insurmountable love for this little child and it has only grown these last 3 weeks.  I know that this is what I am suppose to be doing; trying to be the best mama for this boy.
My heart melts and tears come to my eyes as I see Michael interact with Finn.  Michael was the best support during my pregnancy and was by my side for every step of labor, as gross or awkward as it was.
I never thought I would say this, but giving birth to Finnegan was the most amazing experience of my life.  I never want to forget it or those first moments with him.
Heidi is due to have her baby within the next 3 weeks.  I am so excited for Finn's cousin to come! After seeing all the love baby Finn has received from my family, I can't wait for their baby to receive the same.
Pregnancy and birth is an experience that you cannot truly comprehend unless you experience it yourself.

...and now for a Finn overload.  Sorry, but I can't help it.  I'm just so in love!


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