thanksgiving in ca.
We went to California for Thanksgiving this year. Finn and I left a few days early because we were throwing a baby shower for Emily! Finn was pretty crazy on this trip. So many toys at Grandma and Grandpa's and Kenley was there! They had so much fun playing together. Finn also climbed out of the pack n play and the crib and snapped off part of the blinds in the guest room. We had to literally barricade the poor boy in the pack n play so he would sleep at some point. All he wanted to do was play!
{these two have a special bond and it just melts my heart.}
{he was soaked at the end of this. but there was no way i was going to stop him from exploring and splashing through the water at low tide. at sunset.}
{going to pick up papa from the airport! exhausted.}
{hey man, i got my suit on. ready to party.}
{it's a family tradition to go down to the wedge on balboa island on thanksgiving morning. the weather was seriously so perfect. and the water was warm. i learned on this trip how much finn loves the beach. i mean he loves it. no fear at all!}
{i mean, look at that. that's pure joy right there.}
{post baby shower.}
{this is how most of our nights ended up. finn loudly breathing in the CENTER of our bed and leaving papa a tiny sliver of bed to sleep.}
{on the choo-choo. aunt kellie came with us too!}
{my loves.}
{thanksgiving dinner. all tastes are accommodated. my mom threw in a lasagna for michael.}
{of course we had to visit the tree at our beloved fashion island.}
{horsey rides at irvine park!}
{black friday shopping. we put the babes down and hit up target.}
{that's the look of a tired boy who needs a good nights sleep and a nap.}
I love being around our families so much. I will never get tired of it. It will only get better.