Dottie Christine Santiago

Friday, June 12 was just like any other day.  I was big and pregnant and tired and wanting our little baby out!  Finn and I hit up the splash pool in the morning with his friend Jeffrey.

 He took a nap and so did I.

The Women's World Cup was on and the U.S. was playing that night at 5pm.  Mike picked up pizza for him and Finn and I picked up In n Out for me (such healthy dinners, we know!).  We all ate on a blanket in our family room to enjoy the game together.  We love to chant with Finn, so there was a lot of "pizza! pizza!" and "USA! USA!" being chanted.  It was some really great family time.

We put Finn to bed and relaxed for a bit on the couch.  At about 10:15pm I got a bad contraction like something I hadn't felt before.  It lasted about 30-45 seconds and went away.  It kind of rocked me.  About 6 minutes later I got another one.  This time Mike realized something was wrong with me (because I was breathing super hard with my hand over my eyes).  He told me to start timing them.  The next one was 6 minutes later.  Mike decided he better go take a shower and I stayed downstairs continuing to time the contractions.  I knew they were definitely contractions because they HURT! but I thought that I should wait a little while to go to the hospital because I didn't want to be sent away for false labor.  They started to get closer and more intense.  I went upstairs and told Mike we needed to go to the hospital now!!  They were about 1-2 mintues apart by this point.  We called our blessed neighbors to come over to watch Finn and they came right away.  I thought I was dying and couldn't get off the floor.  We grabbed our things and were out the door around 11:15.  We got to the hospital and Mike parked in a parking spot (too far away for my liking) instead of driving up to the entrance.  It's ok, I made it.  I kept having to stop to breath through contractions.  We finally made it up to the desk and they put me in a room right away.  I went and sat in the bathroom while Mike talked to the nurses.  A nurse came in and checked me and I was 8 cm dilated and 100% effaced.  Basically ready to go!  I told them I needed an epidural right away.  Both the doctor and anesthesiologist were on call so we had to wait for them.  Every person that came into the room I was begging to be the anesthesiologist.  I was so scared I was going to have to deliver our baby naturally, which I didn't think I could do.  Mike was right there by my side rubbing my back and holding my hand.  Finally the anesthesiologist got there.  I told him I had just had a contraction and I hunched over on the side of the bed ready for him to numb me.  Since I was ready to deliver the baby an epidural wouldn't have kicked in in time, so he gave me a spinal.  That thing worked instantly and it was pure bliss from there.  I could deliver a thousand babies with that pain relief.  The doctor rushed in, I pushed a couple times and out came our sweet baby GIRL!  She was born at 12:21am on June 13.  Everything happened so fast!  The nurse told me after that she was putting her gloves on to deliver the baby because she didn't think the doctor was going to make it.  We called our parents to tell them the news.  No one believed that we had already had her because it happened so fast! It was pretty funny.

Mike stayed with me for a few hours then I told him to go home to relieve our neighbors and be there when Finn woke up.
Finn and Mike came the next morning to meet Dottie and bring me breakfast.  It was the cutest thing ever.  He is so sweet with her.  He kissed her and was so interested in her.

Then he saw juice and wanted that.  I lost it when it was time for him to go home and take a nap.  I had this weird disconnect with Dottie.  I didn't know her like I knew Finn.  I felt like I loved Finn more.  I didn't want him to leave me.  I, more than anything, didn't want him to feel replaced or sad in any way.

By staying with Dottie in the hospital my bond with her grew and it's still growing every day.  I love both Finn and Dottie so much and my love for each of them is different.

Grandma Chris and Grandpa Steve drove from St. George on Saturday morning to help out with Finnegan.  I don't think we could have done it without them! They took care of Finn and Mike was able to come and spend time with me and Dottie in the hospital (without having to chase our lovely toddler around the room).

Dottie has already changed so much in her two months of life.  And although I want her to stay little and petite forever I can't wait to watch her grow up and play with her big brother.  Because he's such a good big brother.  Saying that I love Dottie and Finnegan doesn't even begin to explain it. They make life so good.  

Dottie Christine Santiago
12:21am, June 13, 2015
7 pounds 4 ounces
20 inches long
We love you little Dot!


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