Finnegan turns 2!

Well, Finnegan is now 2 1/2, but it's never too late to share pictures!  Grandpa Hondo and Grandma Chris came up from St. George to help us celebrate and Uncle Bryant came and hung out with us too!  We went on a hike in the morning, payed a visit to the outlets, and went out to dinner.  Uncle Blake, Aunt Emily, Aunt Dana and Lucy all came over that evening for ice cream and brownies.  Finn was so excited about getting a little sugar that every bite of brownies or ice cream he said "happy birthday!".  And then days and weeks later every time he saw any type of treat he would say "happy birthday?".  Funny kid.  It was such a fun weekend.  I love birthdays so much!

Here is a little video Michael made.  I'm so glad he does this.


Erin, you have such a Beautiful family!! Love the video your husband made, that's something I want to start doing. Your kids are Sooo Adorable!! Miss you friend! :)

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