santa barbara anniversary trip.

Our 4 year anniversary was in April and Mike took me to Santa Barbara for a weekend getaway (sans child, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa!).  While we had a wonderful and relaxing trip away, Finnegan had the time of his life.  Seriously.  He cried when we walked in the door.
The resort we stayed at, Bacara, was out of this world beautiful.  It was so nice to be able to lay out by the pool and eat chips and salsa and relax and read.  READ! Finnegan did everything but relax and that's just the way he likes it.

 {i am grateful finn and the ipad have become friends.  makes things like plane flights and showers a lot easier!}

 {here it is in all its glory.}

 {they told us we had a "garden view" room, but i'm pretty sure this i can see the ocean and it would be considered "ocean view."}

 {just a couple of kids in love.}

 {shopping on state street.}

 {morning run.  my husband is so kind he ran with my pregnant body the whole way.}

 {see?  it's basically the view from our balcony.}

 {give me pancakes. give me blueberries. give me bacon. the original pancake house does not disappoint and i love that it is becoming a family tradition to go there when we're together.}

 {finn and molly.  instant friends. gg's new dog.}

{riding the choo-choo with grandpa.}

{stonefire parking lot.  i know it anyway.  mike and i were there too, but we don't matter when grandpa is around.}

 {finn is just exhausted in this picture but i know what's going on in his head, "must. keep. going."}

{shopping with grandma and gg.}

 {after a full day spent with grandpa.  he had his wet beach clothes taken off and diaper changed and slept through it all.}

 {i don't need no nap!}

 {i'm serious guys.}

 {we missed our guy so much.  we took him on a bike ride down at the beach and had snacks over looking the ocean.}


Jason Martin said…
Such a adorable baby, its nice to see him at trip too.
meet and greet luton airport

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