someone had a birthday!!

May 14 was husband's birthday.  We had a very fun filled weekend.  Here are some things we did:
went to Houston's for dinner and partook of the best spinach artichoke dip on the planet.
went to the beach to relax.
went to a Cirque du Solei type play with Erin & Warren Davis.
i made him his very own ice cream cake: mint chip ice cream, chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream.
{watch out Santiago family- each year i'm getting better and better at making the cake}
bought a new computer.
did some bday shopping.
watched the bachelor with Pete, Megan and baby Taylor and Megan had plenty of treats for the bday boy.
it was a pretty fun filled weekend.
 I am so grateful to have such an amazing person as my husband. 

{i am so short.}


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