power. out.

This has been a busy/crazy week complete with power outage.  Let's just chat about that for a moment.

Thursday was a normal day at work.  I began my 8 mile commute home at around 5pm and called my sister to chat.  I was so into that conversation (probably about vegetable smoothies or our husbands or working out) that I did not even realize that I had gone about 3 miles in 45 minutes.  All the stop lights were out and it was stop and go stop and go.  A normal 15-20 minute trip home took... 2 1/2 HOURS!!!!!  I learned quite a lot on that trip home.
1.  always go to the bathroom before leaving work.
2.  always make sure your phone is fully charge.
3.  buy a cooler to store the new gallon of milk and carton of eggs I had just bought.
4.  have cash on hand.
5.  get those little battery operated touch lights.
There were other things I thought about, because 2 1/2 hours is a long time- but those were my top 5, an emphasis being on #1 because I had to go SO bad.

That night Michael and I had to babysit for a family in our ward.  Since I was stuck in the horrible traffic, Michael had to go there himself. He had a 6 month old he had to bounce in his arms and a 3 and 4 year old running around wanting to water the front patio with the hose.  Everyone was doing so well- until I got there.  Turns out that baby knows exactly what her mom looks like and knows that I definitely do not have short blonde hair.  Husband to the rescue.  He took that baby in his arms and soothed her crying soul.  He is going to be such a great dad!
All in all, it was a very interesting day.


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